Douglas Baby # 3 is on the way!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

On November 17th I had my first official OB appointment. Everything went well, baby doing great. My official due date is June 5th.

Going to the high risk docs on Dec 2nd (Randy's birthday) and will see a doc there for the first time. I'm looking forward to the ultrasound to see how much Baby D.3 has grown in the last couple of weeks :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Another Pregnancy, Another Blog

Well, here begins Pregnancy Blog part 2.

Douglas Baby #3 will be coming to meet us around the end of May--actual EDD is in June, but since it's a repeat c-section, we are anticipating a couple of weeks early.

We are so excited about this new addition to our family. I thought that since I documented so much from my pregnancy with Wyatt, I should try to do the same for baby #3. I'm sure many things will be different this time around, many things will be the same.

I took the first of 2 home pregnancy tests on Friday, October 15th.

Both were immediate positive results. It was too late in the day to schedule an appointment with my OBGYN, so I had to wait til Monday to do that. We decided to tell the parents and a few other immediate family members right away. The rest would have to wait til we got test results from the doctor--per Randy's request.

I had my first ultrasound on Friday, October 22. My mother and mother-in-law accompanied me.

This little booger was hard to find and gave us quite a scare. There were a couple of minor (according to the doc) issues, but nothing to worry about. It's easy for her to say that, but hard for me to not worry. I am anxiously awaiting my 1st visit to ROC (my high risk docs) on Tuesday, Nov 2.

Til then.......

Monday, January 5, 2009



Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wyatt is 2 weeks old!

Well, it's hard to believe it's been 2 weeks since we welcomed Wyatt into the world. What an experience. I'm now officially allowed to drive!! YIPEE!
So, Tuesday we took Wyatt for his 1st doctor appointment. He's weighing 6lbs 7oz. I knew he'd lost weight since he was born, but we were so focused on getting out of the hospital I forgot to ask how much he weighed before we I don't know what he got down to. The Dr. says they expect babies to be back up to their birth weight by the time they're 2 weeks old, so he's just fine.
We're not having much luck with nursing. I'm pumping several times a day, so he is getting 2-3 breastmilk bottles per day. It's disappointing, but I figure it's better than no breastmilk at all.
I haven't downloaded any new pictures yet, but I will soon. He's just the cutest little thing!
Walker is doing great with him. He loves his little brother, and it warms my heart when I see him pat Wyatt gently on the head and give him a kiss.
I'm feeling good. The incision is just a little sore still, but not near as bad as it was last week. I'm ready to feel like my old self again, but people keep reminding me that I just had major abdominal surgery and it takes time to heal. I guess they're right, but I am ready to get out of the house. I did venture to Babies R Us yesterday, which was great! Slowly, but surely, we're getting out and about!

Well, as I said I will post more pictures soon. I feel good to find the time to write this. You know, staring at a newborn baby and you loose track of time! :)
Take care and I'll blog again soon!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wyatt Jacob is here!

Wyatt Jacob, 12/19/08 9:52pm 6lbs 8oz 19.5 in.

Here's my short version of his birth:

BP was high so went in for amnio on Thursday. During the initial ultrasound the doc said the baby's fluid was too low--half of what it had been the week before. No need to do an amnio, we need to have a baby. They sent me to the hospital to start my induction. They put in the Cervadil(sp?) that evening to thin the cervix. Started the Pitocin Friday morning.
I asked for an epi around 5cm. Doc checked me at 7-8cm and said he didn't think I'd be able to push the baby out b/c of my pelvis being too narrow, but that I could, in trying to avoid a c-sec I told him I'd really like to try. I ended up pushing for a total of about 3 hours--including after my epi stopped working--to no avail. Baby couldn't get past the pelvic bone. So, exhausted, we went for a c-sec. They re-dosed my epi, but it didn't fully take and I felt the surgery--I heard the baby cry and I was out....they'd put me to sleep. I didn't get to see Wyatt until 2 am. He had to go to the Special Care Nursery b/c of his blood sugar being low. But he is fine now. I'd go thru it all again to get my new little man!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

No induction this week

Well, I had my visit with Dr. Rohrer today. I'm kind of bummed. I was really hoping she'd be able to induce me this week, but she'll be going on vacation beginning on Thursday and won't be back until Monday, December 29th. Yep, AFTER Christmas! Ugh. But, she did say that the Dr. I'll see in her absence may do the induction for me depending on the amnio results. I'd much rather her deliver Wyatt, but I'm willing to let the other doctor do it too.
The only draw back is that my appointment with the other doctor is at 2:30 on Monday. I don't know how these things typically work, so I don't know if they'd put me in for an induction that same day or not...or if I'd have to wait until the next day. If I have to wait until the next day I'd be nervous that if something went wrong and I had to have a c-section for some reason that I'd be stuck in the hospital on Christmas Day. So, I'm wondering if it may be better to just wait until after Christmas so I don't have to worry so much about Christmas. It is only 2 weeks away after all.....surely I can handle it that much longer.
Now, with all this said, there is a chance that I'll go into labor on my own before being induced. This would be wonderful as long as I don't have to be in the hospital on Christmas....that's my biggest fear--I don't want to miss Christmas with Walker. But, I'd be surprised if I go on my own. According to Dr. Rohrer I haven't dilated any more, although I'm thinning nicely (as she put it) and the baby is low. So, I could be like this for weeks.
I'm anxious to for my appointment on Friday with ROC. I'm hopeful that Wyatt's lungs are fully developed and we'll have the option for an induction if I feel I can't go any further. We'll certainly keep you all posted on how things are progressing.
Take care!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Douglas'

Merry Christmas from the Douglas Family!!!!