Douglas Baby # 3 is on the way!


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Heading into the 2nd trimester

I've been to the doctor since my last post. On Monday I had 2 appointments; one with my high risk doc and the other with my regular OB. All is going well. I was almost past the point of not being able to do the down syndrome screening so Dr. Osburn scheduled me for the next day. On Tuesday, July 1st I had an in depth ultrasound and blood work to screen for down syndrome risk factors. We should get the results back next week. The advantage of having this done is for preparation. If we have a high risk of downs, then there are additional tests that can be done, but we've decided (at this point) that we will not do any invasive tests. We do not want to risk miscarriage or causing unnecessary harm to the baby. Whether or not this baby has downs will not sway our decision about how to proceed....this is a precious life that God has so graciously bestowed to us, and we have every intention of raising this baby as best we can regardless of what special needs it may or may not have. We are truly blessed with this baby.

So, with all that said, the ultrasound pictures are great! It is so neat to see that it actually looks like a baby now! It's just amazing at how quickly things change in a matter of weeks.

Our move is still scheduled to take place on July 14th. We're looking forward to getting moved and settled in and before we know it, it will be time for Walker to start Kindergarten! It's hard to believe he's old enough for it.

Walker is very excited about the new baby coming. We keep telling him what a great big brother he's going to be, and he agrees 110% with that! :) He is still going back and forth about what he thinks the baby will be, but usually he says it's going to be a little girl.

Here are some of the names we're considering at this time....let us know what you think:

Boy: Wyatt Leland.......just so you know, this name we're pretty certain on....I doubt there will be any changes to it.
my fav and Walker's fav is Claire Elizabeth
suggested name: Savannah.....I do like this, but afraid it may be too popular. If we go with this, we're thinking of either Savannah Grace or Savannah Claire.

If you have any suggestions for girl names, please let us know. I don't want anything too popular and I would prefer a name that doesn't have a "typical" nickname associated with it. We want our kids to go only by their first names and no nicknames! :)

Take care and we'll keep you posted on how things are progressing!

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