Douglas Baby # 3 is on the way!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Due Date!

Well, as I've mentioned in here before, my scans have been showing Wyatt up to 2 weeks further along than my original due date. Dr. Rohrer says that according to the last report she has from ROC, they have me at 1/4 due date and she is calculating 12/31. So, my new official due date is 12/31/08! She says that we will try to keep to as close to the due date as possible since there has been some fluctuation, so we're still shooting for the week AFTER Christmas....unless Wyatt decides to make an appearance before then :)
I did get my RhoGAM shot on Tuesday. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had heard, so I was pleasantly surprised.
I go back to ROC (my high-risk docs) next week. Looking forward to that so I can see my little man in black and white! Can't wait to see how much he's grown since the last measurements---lastly he was weighing in around 2.8 lbs....such a big boy!
Speaking of big, here is my most recent belly shot!

Randy and I have our One-Day Prepared Childbirth Course on Saturday! Yes, it's the day of the TN/AL game, but we'll survive and should be able to catch the 2nd half! I'm really looking forward to the class and I hope we'll both learn a lot. I just hope Randy will pay attention and actually watch the videos so he'll have an idea of what to expect.....Lord help him if he passes out during delivery! So, I'm hoping this will help prepare him :)

Also, last Friday was Walker's field trip to the Guthrie Pumpkin Farm in Riceville, TN. They all had such a great time....and I think the parents that went enjoyed it just as much as the kiddos! Here are a few pics of my little man:

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