Douglas Baby # 3 is on the way!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 31-per new due date

Well, I've had an interesting start to this week.
I thought that Randy would have to take me to the hosptial on Sunday night. I was having mild contractions-about 4-5 an hour. I called my doctors office, the on-call said to drink lots of water and lie down and count contractions over the hour. If they got to 6 or more an hour, then go to the hosptial...other wise, just call for an appointment in the morning. Well, thankfully they never came more than 5 in an hour. I saw Dr. Rohrer on Monday to be checked. There was no dialation--thank goodness! She did a test that can predict pre-term labor in the next week or so. I'm guessing it was negative since I haven't heard back. She told me just to rest as much as possible and drink lots of water.....especially if I have contractions. So, that's what I've been doing.

I saw Dr. Kipikasa today with the high risk group. Wyatt is now weighing in about 3lbs 8 oz!!! He's getting big! His heart looks good and he's growing well. Dr. K told me the same as Dr. and water is the best thing. We want to keep him in the belly as long as possible!!!

So, the contractions are getting less frequent....I've only had a few today. They're different from the braxton hicks contractions that I've been feeling for a few weeks now...I'm really trying to pay attention to my body--I don't want to go into pre-term labor and think it's nothing if there's a chance it could be stopped. We don't want our little guy born too early.

I decided to take a different view of a belly picture today---thought it was funny. So, here is MY VIEW of the belly:

Um, where are my feet????? :)

For those who may be wondering, here's an update on Anthony:
I saw him briefly after my dr appointment this morning. He wasn't doing well. They've increased his vent back up to 10. His liver bloodwork was worse today than yesterday. He was so swollen today. It's been 3 days since I've seen him and I was shocked to see the change--it just broke my heart. I'm trying to stay as positive as possible, but it's difficult some days when it seems so much worse. I try to stay positive especially around my SIL and MIL....but at what point do you have to really face the reality of his condition? I pray for a miracle to pull him out of this. He squeezed my hand today when I told him I was there....but he didn't open his eyes, not even once while I was there. Please continue to pray for him.

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