Wyatt Jacob, 12/19/08 9:52pm 6lbs 8oz 19.5 in.
Here's my short version of his birth:
BP was high so went in for amnio on Thursday. During the initial ultrasound the doc said the baby's fluid was too low--half of what it had been the week before. No need to do an amnio, we need to have a baby. They sent me to the hospital to start my induction. They put in the Cervadil(sp?) that evening to thin the cervix. Started the Pitocin Friday morning.
I asked for an epi around 5cm. Doc checked me at 7-8cm and said he didn't think I'd be able to push the baby out b/c of my pelvis being too narrow, but that I could try...so, in trying to avoid a c-sec I told him I'd really like to try. I ended up pushing for a total of about 3 hours--including after my epi stopped working--to no avail. Baby couldn't get past the pelvic bone. So, exhausted, we went for a c-sec. They re-dosed my epi, but it didn't fully take and I felt the surgery--I heard the baby cry and I was out....they'd put me to sleep. I didn't get to see Wyatt until 2 am. He had to go to the Special Care Nursery b/c of his blood sugar being low. But he is fine now. I'd go thru it all again to get my new little man!
1 comment:
you know that has got to be the cutest baby in the world right now; the only other baby boy any cuter in history may be Michael and Walker, but since they are older, they no longer qualify as the cutest baby!!
Love, Mom
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